Saturday, April 25, 2015

Spring Art Activities

The art room has been abuzz with springtime art activities. Student energy is high and as we delve into some complex art projects, students are given a chance to showcase they skills they have honed over the year and deepen their knowledge of materials and concepts as they revisit them in new ways.

In first grade, the students have been carefully observing signs of spring in nature, in particular, beautiful blooming daffodils. The first graders spent time using their observational drawing skills to create stunning daffodil drawings using  a new material, payons, or watercolor crayons. They will continue their daffodil exploration through poetry in their classroom.

In third grade, the students continue to gear up for the author visit from Grace Lin. They are creating puppets of characters from her book Where the Mountain Meets the Moon. During an integration time, the students cut and stitched puppet clothes, using their expert sewing skills. Soon they will be adding papier maché puppet heads and hands to complete their creations.

In fourth grade, the students have continued their study of Pennsylvania artists by learning about Andy Warhol. After viewing his repeated printed images, the students discussed his subject matter and the aesthetics of his work. They were eager to create their own linoleum printing plates by carving their images, and then printing them multiple times on background paper which they watercolored. The final results are very striking!

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