Friday, September 24, 2021

A Few Snapshots of Joyful Days!


Water exploration on the Redbud Playground.

Getting ready for takeoff.

A bird's eye view!

The right measurements are important in mudpie making.

Lunch tastes better outside!

Let's pretend . . .

Art in the making.

Look at this!

Sharing ideas.

A picture of total concentration.


Bridge engineering!

Making use of beautiful colors.

A little quiet reading time.

Strong arms, stronger friendship.

I can fly!

Birds of a feather hanging out together!

Spotting a magnificent cicada.

Making sun prints with natural materials.
I found an inch worm!

The inch worm is shared with friends!

It tickles!

Where is the inch worm going?

Second grade teamwork with some help from Paula!

Headwaters Discovery Playground water play on a hot day
Relaxing with a snack near the slide.

Lots of room to move.

Pumping water is hard work!

Gearing up in technology.

Making story predictions.

We have amazing dance moves!

What are your thought?

Getting ready to head out!

Settling into silence.

Outdoor Meeting for Worship.

Thoughtful creativity.

Time to settle into a good book.

This is a great story!

What did the teddy bear do next?

We are making soup, not pie!

Can you help get more water?

Getting started with a new art project.

Making music together.

Outdoor story time in science.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Meeting for Worship

Kindergarten through fourth grade gathered in a wide circle on Wednesday morning.  We spread out in the green grass of the front field in preparation for our first Meeting for Worship of the school year. As we settled in, a new student nearby said, "Why are we all out here anyway?"  

It was a perfect question! 

Meeting for Worship offers us an important opportunity to pause and reflect amidst a busy week of learning, investigating and playing. We opened our time together with some welcoming words. Some students use Meeting for Worship as a time to quietly think, some meditate, some pray, some listen to the sounds around them and some listen to the thoughts in their heart. Quakers believe that each person has a light within, also referred to as that of God within. While most students at Abington Friends School are not Quaker, the time to sit in stillness, to pause and reflect, is meaningful.  

If someone feels moved to speak, they are welcome to stand and share what is in their heart. Some of the initial reflections offered by students on Wednesday were happiness at the peace felt in the circle, expressions of joy at being together, and gratitude for being at school with friends. Our Meeting concluded with Rich and Keisha leading us in singing This Little Light of Mine. As we walked back from the field, a Lower School student said with a happy sigh, "That was so beautiful!"

We look forward to welcoming families to a Meeting for Worship later in the year. 

Friday, September 10, 2021

Welcome Back!

 We have had a wonderful first few days of school. The damp weather on Thursday never slowed us down and we made the most of time inside and outside! Here are some pictures of our time together this week.