Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Researchers at Work in Second, Third and Fourth Grade

Multiple texts, videos and online research sites have provided the second, third grade and fourth grade students rich resources to conduct research. In both second and third grade, the students first read a common text about their research subject in a small teacher led group. The teacher modeled strategies for reading nonfiction texts and ways to utilize the structure of the text to find information. The table of contents, heading, captions, bold print, glossary and index are a few of the structures that have been very helpful for our students' research.  Working in small groups, partnerships and individually students are reading, thinking critically and recording information about their topic. In second grade, the topic has been birds, and in third grade the current topic being researched is the panda. 

Fourth grade students reviewed research strategies learned in previous years and then delved more deeply into understanding the structure of nonfiction resources pertaining to their study of the Lenape. Partners and small groups practiced strategies to read and respond to nonfiction and then conducted individual research. All of our students are offered various kinds of structures to record their information and present their knowledge. As the year unfolds, additional topics will provide varied opportunities for our students to add to their skills and as they become proficient researchers.


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