Friday, October 18, 2019

Second Graders Explore What it Means to be a Leader.

In second grade, we strive to have each students see themselves as a valued and integral member of our classroom community and see others in the same light. One of the social activities that we introduce in the beginning of second grade is Leader versus Boss. This activity begins with the second graders having a discussion about what they think it means to be a boss. There were multiple responses such as:

"I think a boss is someone who tells you what to do." 

"A boss is not nice" 

 Which lead us into the conversation of, “How do you feel when someone is a boss to you?” Some second graders noted that:

"I feel sad because I think they use a mean voice."

"I feel depressed because I feel like I am being blamed for things. "

After our list of not so good feelings, the second graders all agreed that they cannot and should not be a boss! Which left the question, “Well then, what could we be?”

Which lead us into what it meant to be  a leader. We all agreed that it means: 

"A leader helps people."

"A leader is some who is kind and supports you."

" A leader is someone who is not bossy or selfish. It is someone who is always willing to help out others in their grade.'

During this conversation, we talked about how being a leader is not always easy, especially if your friends are not doing the right thing. Our hope from this lesson is that our second graders can continue to grow and become leaders throughout our AFS community, where they can inspire the people around them.

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