Friday, October 18, 2019

Art in the Community

The young artists at AFS have been busy preparing artwork that will go out and serve a role in the greater community.

Morris Arboretum Scarecrow Contest
The third graders worked collaboratively to create the fantastical scarecrow "Fall-icia Keys" for the annual Scarecrow Contest at the Morris Arboretum. The theme of the competition this year is famous musicians. The third graders worked hard to create a keyboard for "Fall-cia" and painted her face and helped her accessorize. You can visit and vote for her at the arboretum through October 31st.

Woodmere Art Museum "Kids Care" Exhibition

The Early Childhood, first and third grade classes recently completed artwork that will be exhibited at the "Kids Care" show at the Woodmere Art Museum in Chestnut Hill.  "Kids Care", a collaboration between the museum and MANNA (Metropolitan Area Neighborhood Nutrition Alliance), is an annual project where students give artworks as holiday gifts for people in need. Our students' artwork will be on display in the Helen Millard Children's Gallery before being wrapped and delivered with a holiday meal to individuals battling life-threatening illnesses. This year, the "Kids Care" exhibition will be from November 9-December 15. Students and families are invited to a closing reception for the show on Saturday December 14, from 2:00-4:00 PM.  

The young artists completed the following projects which will be exhibited in the show:

Early Childhood

The two-, three- and four-year-old artists of the Early Childhood program were invited to create colorful artworks about the world around them. The students used collaged paper shapes or oil pastels to add pictorial elements to their pieces. They completed their work using vibrant shimmery and sparkly paints. Their paintings include “a tree with apples,” “the rain falling down,” and “a rainbow.”

1st Grade

The first grade artists looked at and discussed cityscape paintings created by the artist Georgia O’Keeffe. They noticed what colors and shapes O’Keeffe used to invoke the feel and look of a city. They then used different shapes cut out of colored paper to create their own scene of a town or city, creating images either based on something that they had observed or from their imagination.

3rd Grade
The third grade artists looked at a variety of landscape paintings and noticed what types of brushmarks, colors and compositions the artists had employed and how that effected how the images were read visually. Using the theme of “inside and outside,” the students looked out the windows of the art room and observed the different elements of landscape on our campus. They created beautiful observational watercolor paintings, choosing the scale of their paintings. Some students masked some of their paper to evoke the feeling of looking out a window through a window-pane.

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