Friday, October 25, 2019

On the Move with Maps

Since tracking the migration of Monarch X on our big wall map, first graders have been learning about directions and about maps. We followed Monarch X from Canada to Mexico and discovered that he flew south and west and south again.  To gain a clearer understanding of these directions we read several books about maps and learned about the compass rose which we then made.

Several students began asking where different countries were so we took out a big floor map of the world and went exploring, almost literally.  We found the countries that were asked about and then named the continents.  Each student had a chance to 'drive' a car across the world following directions given by a classmate.  It was so much fun to see where everyone ended.  And, not only were they good at following directions, the direction givers did a great job as well!

What could be more fun than driving on a big world map?  Creating your own floor map!! And we did just that (and are still in process).  Using felt pieces the students put down roads and added all kinds of buildings, schools, houses, hotels, a restaurant, skating rinks, a corner store, Temple University, a basketball center and even a cupcake shop! One student asked if we could use little people, cars and dogs to travel on our map and that is exactly what we did this morning. Each student picked a place to begin and told the class where they wanted to end up and then had to follow their classmates' directions.  They absolutely loved this activity!  Four students chose to end at 'Phoebe's house' so they decided that there must be a party going on!  Many wanted to know when they were going to get to do this again. Hopefully soon!

During parent conferences, it was fun to hear that some of the students had begun giving directions in the car as they drove to school.  It is so rewarding to hear that classroom studies are carried over into the students' lives outside of the classroom.  They are really taking their learning to heart!

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