Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Fall Food Drive Follow Up

A big thank you to our AFS LS community who continue to fill our cart - we are happily on our way to 5 carts of nutritious food donations. We appreciate your efforts and the graphing that happens daily. Here is how one of our families are talking about and taking action to fight hunger in our community. 

FOOD DRIVE: HAVING FUN WITH MATH (and Grocery Shopping!)
It was with much excitement that the Food Drive flyer arrived and was discussed at our house. First, we talked about why AFS was participating in a food drive and all the people and families it would help. Next, we talked about how, specifically, we could help over the course of the 6-week drive. 

This led to a "Let's give one food thing a week!" idea from our daughter Maryn (Kindergarten, Class of '29). From there, we had fun with some math and grocery shopping planning and talked about if the food drive was 6 weeks and we got one food item per week, how many would we have?  "Six!" she excitedly exclaimed. Then, we talked about how many meals we eat a day to help us pick the item to donate each week. We thought we'd do 2 rounds of 3 meal items a day...but, Maryn had a very different idea.  As she counted on her fingers, she said, "We eat 6 things a day!  Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner and dessert."  

This made us realize two things - first, that you can have fun counting anything, and, second, we are very fortunate that Maryn is so well fed!  Even more reason to participate in the Food Drive. So, our weekly grocery shopping trips have included Maryn selecting an item. She's been very excited to fill the cart and update the graph in the Lower School lobby.

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