Friday, November 22, 2019

Kindergarten and Third Grade Connect

During the beginning months of kindergarten we have been going to Meeting for Worship (MFW) in our classroom and in the lower school music room. A few weeks ago we began attending MFW in the meeting house across campus. The students have been excited to experience this shared time together with the rest of the lower school as they have been able to expand upon their time sitting in silence and reflection, listening to messages, and understanding more about message sharing. The next step in creating a shared community experience is to spend more time together with other lower school students beyond kindergarten! The students were ready to get together with their third grade partners that they will  eventually walk with to the meeting house and sit with in the pews.

Making a new friend

Our class has been eagerly awaiting to connect with our third grade partners who we see daily in  our shared hallway. Sometimes kindergarten students have been even seen peering into the "big kid" classroom  door windows! This week our classes got together to formally introduce each other and to begin forging some partnerships over a shared love of creating art and talking.

Kindergarten and third grade art creations
After introductions, third graders and kindergartners sat side by side to water color, draw, make paper bracelets, and design paper airplanes. Some students created based on a similar idea such as rainbows or shapes. Others created individual pieces of art while talking and getting to know one another more intentionally.

Pokemon balls and initial paintings

It became quickly evident that there were many shared interests in reading books, sports and creating art.  Smiles and laughter were heard throughout the room as the students become more comfortable interacting with one another.

Sharing a moment of humor

Powerful moments of connection happened, and social and emotional lessons were inevitable. Intentional partnering with an older grade supports growth as students take risks making new friends and trying new experiences. Developing social skills grow when making eye contact and when practicing listening, and  asking and answering questions. Patience and empathy coupled with positive role modeling supports our budding third grade leaders. We will find other opportunities throughout the school year to continue developing these new partnerships.

Paper bracelet making
Painting rainbows

The roots of the school community deepen as kindergartners feel known, heard, and feel part of something bigger beyond the kindergarten classroom walls. What a joy it is to see a young child's face light up when they are acknowledged and greeted in the hallway by their "big" third grade friends!

Paper airplane building

We look forward to going to Meeting for Worship (MFW) with our new third grade friends. Please note that there is an open invitation to join us on any Wednesday for Meeting for Worship, if you can. On the first Wednesday of the month we have MFW in our classroom. On the other Wednesdays we walk to the meeting house. Next week is our Thanksgiving Meeting for Worship.

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