Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving

During a conversation about the Quaker theme of collective purpose, the first graders talked about doing things that are helpful for the community as being one goal/purpose of our first grade collective.  We had brainstormed a number of 'collectives' that they are part of including AFS, sports teams, their neighborhoods, afterschool activities and our own first grade class.  We decided to do a project to support the Breathing Room Foundation (our neighbor in Jenkintown that supports families dealing with cancer) with their Thanksgiving baskets by creating little turkey bags and filling them with sweet treats.  It was so joyful to hear the chatter as they planned and decorated their bags.

 We read several books about giving thanks and being grateful and decided that we would join the third grade gratitude chain that drapes over the maker space.  Each student wrote one or two things that they were grateful for on a paper strip and we linked these together and added them to the chain in the hallway.
 In connection with our monarch-Mexico study, we read Pat Mora's book, Gracias, Thanks. The text is written in Spanish and English and reflects a young child thinking about the things in his life that bring him joy and have special meaning to him.  Each reflection ends with the word, thanks.  As we read through the book, the students called out, "¡Gracias!" each time we read the word thanks.  In response to this book, each student wrote in their journal about something that they were thankful for.
 Each of these activities provided thoughtful discussions about the many blessings in our lives and how important it is to hold them in our hearts and minds.  They were times of quiet reflection that are so important to developing a healthy mindset.  In our first grade class we are grateful to have opportunities to reflect on what's important to each of us.  We hope this Thanksgiving provides times for thoughtful reflection and gratitude to our AFS collective!

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