Friday, February 22, 2019

Storytelling: Second Grade Visits the Michener Museum

Storytelling is a theme that connects many of the content areas across second grade this year.  Presently second grade students are learning how the Egyptians told stories that reflected their families and philosophy of life and religion in their tomb paintings through the use of hieroglyphs. The recent trip to the Michener Art Museum previewed this for the students' spring story-telling unit. One of the docents at the museum, Barbara Rabson who is a parent of two AFS alums, was eager to plan this visit with the second grade. Students learned to look at art and think about the story expressed in the painting or sculpture. Sharing with a partner, students talked about their stories. Movement was a technique students explored while experiencing very close viewing of a large painting and while in an exhibit of hanging cloth sculptures to express the mood of this exhibit.

While at the chair exhibit, partners were given a card with a painting of a person and asked to look at all the chairs in the exhibit and find the one they thought their character would have chosen to have in their home. While looking at paintings, each student was given a phrase and then chose a painting that best reflected the meaning of their phrase.  Our visit ended with the exploration of the books and life of James Michener, the novelist and the inspiration for this museum. The connection between art and storytelling was both bold and subtle. Students experienced this exhibit with an open heart, a creative mind, creativity and curiosity as they constructed stories and meaning while viewing art. 

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