Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Our Milkweed Study

"It's a plant."
"It's a weed."
"It's milkweed!"

Milkweed is more that just any old weed! First graders have learned the importance of milkweed while studying Monarch butterflies. We researched in books, articles and videos. Last week we went on a milkweed hunt and found two locations where milkweed is on our campus.

Here are some facts first graders shared about milkweed:

Milkweed can be different colors of green.

There are different kinds of milkweed.

The monarch caterpillars depend on it.

I learned that they have different features.

A spray can kill the milkweed, a weed spray.

Milkweed is called that because it has a milk inside, but, do not drink it because it has a toxin in it and it is only good for caterpillars but not for some of their predators.

If there is no milkweed the Monarchs would all die.
We were very excited and brought some back for our very hungry caterpillars!
Please come and see our Milkweed/Caterpillar display outside Susan and Janmarie’s first grade! Finally, while a few are still munching away, most of our caterpillars are in the J stage or chrysalis stage! We look forward to our first butterfly emerging! Stay tuned!

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