Friday, January 25, 2019

Kindergarten Addition Number Stories

Number stories, also called story problems or word problems, illustrate how math is used to solve problems. These stories help students make sense of number relationships by combining literacy and connecting math to real life in a fun way, resulting in the creation of some very imaginative stories.

After teacher modeling of what a number sentence could look like with sea creature manipulatives and an imaginary trip to the beach, the kindergartners were ready to tackle the number story problem head on.

After sharing in the large group some of their own number story ideas, the mathematicians were  ready to practice individual story telling and show there understanding that addition is making the total larger, except, of course, when you add zero to a number!

Each student had a different way to approach the activity. Should I write the number sentence first? Should I draw first? Can I write the story first? With teacher guidance, each student was able to craft a simple and concise story to relay the intended number sentence.

During this math activity, each student practiced fine motor skills by writing numbers and drawing detailed pictures to illustrate their stories. They also practiced using math vocabulary such as addition, adding, total, all together, and sum as they talked with friends and when dictating their number stories to teachers.

The end results were some creative endeavors that showed the kindergarteners beginning understandings of addition of numbers to ten and how numbers can relate to one another.  The pages were compiled into a class number addition story book and individual pages are on display on the hallway bulletin boards. Take a peek when you have a chance!

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