Friday, January 11, 2019

Fractions in First Grade Geometry

We have been learning about fractions in the 1st grade.  Our unit began with a lot of talks about shapes.  Having math discussions about shapes naturally led us into conversations about fractions and vice versa.  They both are used under the umbrella of “geometry.”  Our first graders were amazed at the thought of learning “geometry.”

In a recent activity, we talked about what a whole, half, fourth and third were.  We made visuals by folding paper into the different parts (whole, halves, fourths and thirds).  This led us to asking and answering questions like, “How many halves make a whole?”  “How many fourths are in a whole?”  “ What is one-third and another one-third?”  “Which is bigger, one- half or one-third?”  This gave us the language and skills needed to play a game, “Race to the Top.”

In this game, we were paired with a partner.  The directions were to take turns rolling a dice.  If the dice landed on a 1, you (the roller) colored in ½ of the shape in the 1’s column.   If you rolled a 2, you colored in 1/3 of the shape in the 2’s column, a 3 you colored in ¼, a 4 you colored in 2/3, a 5 you colored in ¾ and a 6 you colored in ½ (again).  When you reached the top of a row you WON!  Being the amazing Quaker school we are, and this being a learning game, we decided to continue to play until we reached the top of the other rows too!   We had so much FUN!

This game gave the first graders the opportunity to review and practice what they had learned when folding paper into different parts.  By shading in the different parts they could see how fractions work and how each part fits into the bigger whole.  It also began laying the foundation for our next topic, 3D shapes. 

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