Friday, September 21, 2018

Painting Explorations in Early Childhood Art

The Cardinal, Sparrow and Catbird classes have all begun their artistic endeavors in the art studio this year. Our young artists eagerly awaited their first chance to get their hands dirty - literally - with art materials. We have begun the year with a painting exploration. On their first visit, the students learned about how to use their brush by dipping it the water, wiping it along the side of the cup, using the water on the brush to wet the paint tray and to "dance" their brush on its tippy toes along their paper. Students were excited to paint images from their imagination and some even created titles for their work like "Astronaut Princess Astronaut," "A Great Big Shoe and A Silly Rocketship," "Painting of 'I Love You'," and "Superhero Village."

On their next visit, the young artists were amused to find that instead of paintbrushes, there were toothbrushes, combs, forks and other tools set out on the tables next to the paint. They were introduced to these new tools to apply paint, along with one tool they already had ready, their hands! The students quickly got the hang of smearing, spreading, wiping and scratching their paint on the surface, enjoying using tools to make a variety of marks and reveling in the sensory process of getting messy. 

During these sessions, the students were also introduced to the routines in the art studio, including how to listen and participate during introductions, how to put on their smocks, carry their paintings to the drying rack and wash their hands. Having a framework of familiar procedures helps the students to operate independently in the room and be good stewards of a communal space.We can't wait to see how their artistic explorations unfold throughout the year.

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