Friday, September 28, 2018

Butterfly Magic

The magic of Monarchs has recently enveloped our first grade classrooms.  Each day brings a new discovery about these delicate yet mighty butterflies.  They arrived just a few weeks ago as tiny caterpillars, and the students have watched them daily as they eat through multitudes of milkweed, shed and grow and are now mesmerizing green and gold chrysalides.
Information was shared about what the students 'knew' and questions were raised about what they hoped to learn about the monarchs.  Through daily observations and recording what they are seeing for their monarch books, sharing their ideas with each other and reading non-fiction books, the students are developing a deep understanding of the gift that monarchs bring to their world.

Milkweed pods have been dissected and the wonder of the fluff and seeds that were discovered was a joyful experience.  Requests to take seeds home to plant and to save seeds to plant at school were all fulfilled.  Students journeyed around the campus setting the fairy-like seeds afloat in hopes that more milkweed will grow to keep monarch populations healthy.
The students had the opportunity to create their own butterflies and that morning was filled with so much creativity and excitement! The buzz of new ideas was everywhere! Someone asked if they could name their butterfly and soon all the butterflies had a special and unique name. Others asked if they could create life cycles for their butterflies and soon their were eggs and caterpillars created to complement the butterflies.  And yet another student asked if he could write a description of his butterfly like you would see in a book and before you knew it, each butterfly had a story to go with it!  It was such an extraordinary morning!!
Please stop by and see the wonder and magic of the monarchs, ask the first graders to tell you about them and notice the amazing butterflies created by the students that are fluttering around the classroom.

1 comment:

  1. We loved reading this post. Ari has loved watching the butterflies grows and loves when he can see the 'beautiful sparkly spots in their chrysalides'.
