Tuesday, December 13, 2016

What Do You See?

Second grade has been discussing how pictures tell stories. And not only do pictures tell stories, but two people can look at the exact same picture at the exact same time and each come away with totally different ideas. Second graders were eager to explain to me that this is possible because we all see things a little differently because all people are different. So as we read stories and listen to each other, we all bring our own unique life experiences and therefore unique perspectives.
Recently, half of the students lined up on one side of the room, and the other half on the other. In between them we placed a 6. Or was it a 9? Some saw a lock or a "g." Depending on where the students stood, they would see different things. This is part of an ongoing media literacy unit in which we talk about how media is experienced differently depending on who you are.  The students were then invited to create their own media. Using PhotoBooth and exploring the effects in the program, the second grade took selfies. Many, many selfies. We will be creating short slideshows with these images and letting students create their own captions. Our students will continue to explore, discuss and learn about Media Literacy as they continue through Lower School.

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