Friday, February 28, 2020

First Grade Postal Service Open

Our first grade post office opened the day before Valentine’s Day with a ‘lovely’ line of customers eager to buy stamps to send off their valentines!  That afternoon, our postal workers were so busy stamping and sorting and delivering all of those special letters to their very special recipients!

Our post office is connected to our hero study and getting ready to run a post office has meant lots of work and lots of fun.  The students designed hero stamps with skill and creativity, adding great details and color.  The clerk at Staples was so impressed with the artwork that was about to be turned into our stamp plate sets.  The stamps had to be cut apart, mailboxes painted and readied  (one mailbox had to be done twice because the first one accidentally got recycled!), posters created announcing the opening, a visit to Elkins Park Post Office and lots of practice making change!!

Our visit to the Post Office provided the opportunity to see how mail is dated, cancelled and sorted.  All the jobs that our first graders would need to know how to do in our own postal system.  They also got to see how mail is loaded onto the trucks for delivery. The students have been very excited selling stamps in the morning and then collecting all the mail in the afternoon and getting it ready for delivery throughout the entire school.

Receiving mail is GREAT fun!!! Please stop by and purchase stamps and send a letter to someone in the AFS community.  You can drop your properly addressed mail in one of the blue mailboxes located in the LS lobby or outside the LS library. The recipient will be glad you did and so will our first grade postal workers!!  Stamps are ten cents each and the money raised will be donated to a nonprofit that the first graders choose at the end of our study.

Happy writing!!

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