Friday, January 17, 2020

Hello, Neighbor-Winter Program Reflecions

When our musicians, performers, artists and actors returned from the Winter Break, we took some time in music class to do what many professional performers do after they perform-reflect on their performance.

Here are some of the thoughtful reflections our students share from the First-Fourth grade Winter Program, Hello, Neighbor:

"I really liked that we got to make up all of the dance moves."-Third grader

"I was not as nervous this year becausei have been on stage a lot of times before doing the Winter Program"-Second Grader

"I was nervous because I was not able to find part of my costume, but I just kept going and was able to do the dance. My mom said that she did not even notice."-Third grader

"I was nervous at first, but once I saw my mom and dad smiling at me, I felt a lot better!"-First grader

"The lion dance was cool because we had a partner and we got to work together. I was really looking forward to it"-Third grader

"I noticed that we really grew and got better over time."-Third grader

Fourth grade actors reflected on their experience working through the acting process, learning lines and building their stamina to wait for their parts and to wait when the teacher was working with another actor on their part.

Narrators reflected how practice really helped them to be more expressive and tell a story. The fourth grade transisiotn musicians marveled at how important they realized their part was, when at first, they thought it might be easy and boring. But in fact, it took a lot of focus and concentration, and they had to always be at the ready to provied the music that connected all of the parts of the show together.

All students commented on how they felt like they grew from last year to this year, gaining more independence and doing more challenging pieces and dances as they got older.

I was incredibly proud of all of their hard work!

See you for our Spring Program in May!:)

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