Friday, December 6, 2019

Second Grade State Exploration

In the last few weeks all second graders have received letters from their family pen pal and have written a second one.  The responses are shared with the whole class and allow us all to hear a variety of family stories.  Pictures have accompanied most letters, so we have also gotten to "see" who each classmate is writing to!
As we waited for these replies to our first letters to arrive, the students began exploring the state where their pen pal lives.  A big, blank map of the United States is on the wall outside Sandy and Valerie's classroom, and each student traced their state and made a colorful copy of it to add to the map outline so we can see exactly where all of our pen pals live.  Next, using books, websites and fact cards, students have collected an assortment of information, such as state capital and state bird, to add to their research packet.  This information was then used to create a colorful postcard that includes a stamp designed in art class.  Look for them to be on display soon!

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