Friday, December 13, 2019

Art Room Happenings

The art room is busy and bustling as we begin the winter season. Students are working on new art concepts, applying learning from previous projects and delving deeper into areas of study. There is a growing excitement in the air around our upcoming winter program and our young artists are beginning their work on the set design. Here's a snapshot of activities happening across the grades.

Early Childhood - The Catbirds and Cardinals enjoyed their first exploration with clay, learning to roll balls, pound the clay and roll coils of clay. They "scratched and attached" their coils to create their very own coilpots. After their pieces were fired in the kiln, they noticed that the clay changed colors and became very hard and fragile. They painted their fired coilpots with glaze and are eager to see the pieces emerge from their second firing covered in shiny, bright colors.

Coilpots loaded in the kiln
Kindergarten - The kindergarten artists are learning about color-mixing and groups of colors. They began an abstract painting exploration using a cool color palette of green, blue and purple. In a follow up painting session, they added a layer using a warm color palette of yellow, red and orange. They will be continuing their color study, by using primary colors to mix secondary colors and create a rainbow.


1st Grade - The first graders have been continuing their study of art and artists from Mexico. They viewed a series of traditional Metepec clay suns. After sketching an initial plan, they built their own sun faces out of clay, and used glazes to add color to them.

2nd, 3rd and 4th Grades - The older grades have continued to explore art materials during independent work time. Many students have carried ideas and themes throughout the year and tried them out with several different media. Take a look at some works in progress to below, to get a window into the exciting activities that are happening during class time.

A baby toy created at the sculpture station
Large weavings for the winter program set at the fibers station

Creating a paper boomerang at the collage station
Working on a collaborative sculpture at the sculpture station

Making a pizza at the clay station

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