Friday, April 26, 2019

Voices of the Heart

Third grade is exploring the book Voices of the Heart by Ed Young. This unique book "uncovers the layers of meanings for words such as joy and sorrow, respect and rudeness." Students were invited to explore the book and choose one word they would like to delve into more deeply on a personal layer. The students took some time to wrestle with the meaning as shared by Ed Young and then shared what the word meant to them in their own life. Students then explained why they chose the word. Presently students are creating their own artistic representation of the word in the same style as Ed Young. This project invites students to ponder words and the meanings of words. Students are pushed to expand what the word means to them, and reflect on how words convey concepts. The artistic component is a path for students to think of concepts and words from a symbolic perspective. For many students this was a challenge. Thinking outside of right and wrong and instead conveying an idea that is personal in their own world. This opened the conversation of how everyone learns differently and what might come easily for some takes more work for others. We discussed how everyone has something that comes easier for them and how pushing through academic challenges grows the brain. The students will finish this project in the coming week, look for their amazing work to be displayed.

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