Friday, March 1, 2019

What does 100 look like? 1st Grades 100 Things Museum

First Grade’s 100 Things Museum

First graders have been paying attention to our “counting days in school” daily math and have been looking forward to the 100th day!

To celebrate the 100th day of school they engaged in a creative math project to show what 100 objects looks like. They toured the classroom to find interesting objects and intently counted out 100.

 Some students counted by 1’s and found it was difficult to keep track. Many began to sort piles of 10 until they had 10 piles of 10. Some used little bowls or plates to collect their objects grouping them by 10’s.

First graders enjoyed displaying their 100 things in creative ways and labeled them. They then toured the room and examined, commented on and admired one another’s ideas.

The super duper 100 cube building!

Some students found a way to represent the number 100 in their displays!

Tricia took a tour of our museum and enjoyed asking students questions about the process as they presented their displays.

Tricia wondered if the links were actually each one inch in length. Laila and Bella measured and then changed the label (see below) when they learned they were longer than one inch! Next week we begin our measurement unit so it is a perfect opportunity to explore non-standard and standard units of measurement. Then they will find out how many inches the 100 linked snake really is!

In honor of the 100th Day and Valentine’s Day, the boys made a 100 marble heart!

Next, we will continue to discuss what 100 looks like, who’s weighed the most, the least, and who’s took up the most space.

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