Friday, February 19, 2016

Sharing Our Love...

While kindergarten works hard to let their light shine throughout the year, this day was an especially loving day! Jyena and her mother, Joyce, joined our class to share a service project for a local organization in Jenkintown, the Breathing Room Foundation. They provide care and support to local families affected by cancer. They reach out to families to give them "breathing room" while dealing with very difficult circumstances. Using colorful card stock, our class wrote messages to make others smile who were not feeling well and adorned cards with imaginative drawings.
It was a wonderful way to make a first time connection with this organization. It is our hope to continue to connect in meaningful and age appropriate ways by possibly making pillows and/or  a quilt to warm more hearts at the Breathing Room. We will let you know when those future projects will happen so that you could join us in the classroom if you are available. For more information, please see their website:
Our "love" sharing did not stop there as the kindergarten friends excitedly shared valentines with their classmates. Each child passed out cards from home that had been carefully signed with love. Beautifully decorated bags waited to be filled with valentine greetings from friends.
Our friendly celebration was completed by a healthy valentine snack of delicious muffins, raspberries, strawberries, carrots and pink lemonade. Thank you for all of your support and contributions to this very full and loving day amongst friends.
In the afternoon, the love continued as the kindergarten friends wrote letters and made cards for other friends in Lower School. The first grade children have begun a post office in which they have created their very own "hero" stamps as part of their classroom studies.
For only ten cents, individual stamps can be bought and attached to mail that can be dropped in mail boxes located in the lower school hallways. The first graders will then sort and deliver the mail to classrooms. Our class will purchase stamps next week and wait to spread more love through pictures and notes to friends throughout the lower school. It has been a joyful day with so many opportunities to shine our inner lights while supporting and holding up growing literacy skills!

Happy Valentine's Day!


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