Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Fourth Grade Shares Expertise of Colonial Trades

The students have been deeply engaged in all things colonial for a while and their investigatory skills were put to the test while researching their individual colonial trades. 

They spent weeks reading and pouring through books, looking at photos, and watching videos of historic interpretations of how different colonial tradesmen went about mastering their crafts and how they conducted business in their communities. 

This past week students wore period costumes while presenting their knowledge at booths outfitted with props and handcrafted wooden signboards of their own making.

They were tasked with creating an interactive exercise to share with visitors to allow them to experience first hand what was involved with each trade. Parents, teachers and students spent the morning listening and learning from our resident silversmiths, apothecaries, barbers, wigmakers, farmers, innkeepers, milliners, blacksmiths, shipbuilders, schoolmasters, surveyors, shoemakers, cabinetmakers and printers about life in the 18th century. The students' excitement was palpable throughout the morning. They concluded their trade fair with a trip to the music room for a fun and spirited dance of the Virginia Reel.

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