Tuesday, September 22, 2015


¡Bienvenidos familias, amigas, y amigos! Welcome family and friends! Our Spanish program for the 2015-16 school year got off to a great start! This year we have a new space for our classes and we couldn’t be more excited. After working hard to decorate it with homey touches, pleasing sounds,  smell, and a friendly pet named Felipe, a warm and welcoming environment was created. When the students enter the classroom, they are motivated to engage in the learning process.

Our most important objective en la clase de español is to provide a nurturing environment where everyone feels comfortable learning a second language and to encourage all to develop an openness, understanding and appreciation for other cultures. Since the start of the school year, everyone has enthusiastically expressed their joy in Spanish class as they engaged in playing games, greeting puppets, listening to storybooks, singing, and role playing.

From our youngest students to our oldest Lower School students, children have joyfully engaged in many saludos (greetings) and conocerte (getting to know you) activities. One loved by all was stating their name, Me llamo ___________ (My name is ______) and tossing el globo mundial (the globe) to a peer.
Another activity enjoyed was Busca a alguien que.... este verano (Find someone who .... this summer). Students used a checklist as they walked around the room trying to find a classmate that comió mango (ate mango) or nadó en el océano (swam in the ocean).
Some students had an absolute fun time practicing from a written dialogue in Spanish for greeting each other. What made even more amusing was using a puppet.

We have certainly gotten off to a wonderful start. I look forward to the many, many adventures and experiences ahead. Hasta nuestra próxima noticias (until our next news), ¡Adiós!  

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