Friday, September 20, 2019

¡Bienvenidos familia, amigas, amigos y amiges!

Our Spanish Program for the 2019-20 school year got off to a great start! My most important objective en la clase de español is to provide a nurturing environment where everyone feels comfortable learning a second language and to encourage all to develop an openness, understanding and appreciation for other cultures. Since the start of the school year, everyone has enthusiastically expressed their joy in Spanish class as they, thus far, engaged in playing games, listening to storybooks, and singing. Here’s a synopsis of each grade’s learning.

As an introduction to the Spanish program that is new to most of our youngest learners, the EC classes have been enjoying listening and practicing our traditional morning song, Buenos días amigos, buenos días (Good morning friends, good morning) and the ending of class song, ¡Adios, hasta luego! (Good-bye, until later). 

In el Jardín de Infancia (kindergarten) the students have been learning and/or reviewing greeting words as well as reading the calendar; número, día de la semana (day of the week), mes (month) and año (year).

To review and reinforce previous year’s learning, in Primer (1º) Grado the students have been practicing their feeling words during our start of class greeting routine.  
The students in Segundo (2º) Grado began their year engaging in getting to know you, or re-know you, activities such as a crossword puzzle where they needed to fill in each others apellido (last name).

In Tercer (3º) Grado the students have been introduced/reminded of the 21 countries where Spanish is the official language. A beginning of class routine is for a student to pick a country and tell us its capital and región.

In preparation for start of class routine El Reporte (the Report), Cuarto (4º) Grado has been practicing the topics involved in stating the report, which includes los días de la semana (the days of the week).

We have definitely gotten off to a wonderful start! I am looking forward to the many, many adventures and experiences that lie ahead. Hasta nuestra próxima noticias (until our next news), ¡Adiós! 

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