Monday, February 12, 2018

Lower School Shapes

First grade has been enjoying our exploration of shapes. We have explored plane shapes like squares, circles and triangles and also solid shapes like cubes, cylinders, spheres and prisms.

Here are some photos of how many ways they we able to makes hexagons using triangles, rhombuses and trapezoids:

After reading City Shapes, students took a shapes walk around the Lower School with iPads and photographed images of the shapes they found. We made our own classroom book using photos from our shape walk and used descriptive language inspired by Diana Murray's beautiful picture book. 
Here are some examples of their writing from our shape walk:

I was walking down the lower school and I saw a dazzling triangle and it is beautiful and it is green. Thalen

I was walking all around the lower school. I saw a dazzling sphere. It was a sight! And, a marvelous cube. It was also a sight. Lily

When I was walking I saw a beautiful brown rectangle. It was a door.  Audrey

As I was walking through the lower school I saw a 3D circle. It was a globe. It was a sphere.  Jason

I was walking through the lower school. I saw a beautiful brown circle. It’s like a basket but it is not. Sydney

Here is our classroom graph of the objects they photographed:

 Of course, symmetry never gets old and during free choice first grade loves to create symmetrical designs with pattern blocks! 

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