Monday, June 5, 2017

Kindergarten Nature Art and Bake Sale

Kindergarten Art and Bake Sale poster
The animals of the world have been a central part of our kindergarten curriculum this year. We have visited the Elmwood Park Zoo, researched animals, collected donations for homeless pets, and had a humane educator and dog friend, Maggie, visit from the S.P.C.A. This deep love and concern for animals were the catalyst for our kindergarten play, Lost and Found: A Story of Kindness, Listening and Love. Throughout the year the students have continued to bring in animal books for book sharing and have checked out numerous animal books from our library. Daily, the block building and magnatile areas are filled with elaborate houses for favorite stuffed animals and the dramatic play area often contains a family of animals as well.

The kindergarten students wanted to return to the Elmwood Park Zoo but we were unable to with little time left in the school year. Our inspired, dedicated and passionate animal lovers then decided to Adopt-An-Animal at the Elmwood Park Zoo instead. To raise money to be "zoo parents," the class decided to hold a nature art and bake sale complete with music and ice pops too. After much discussion and debate, the students decided to "adopt" the otters at the zoo. If enough funds are raised, the extra money would go to to help the red pandas, another class favorite.

Beginning ideas for our coloring book pages
 On Tuesday, June 6,  the students will be selling animal coloring books (hand drawn and researched by the students), seed balls to brighten your garden, delicious baked goods and "otter" ice pops. There will be music and maybe an impromptu dance off. We will begin selling at the beginning of the day from 7:45 to 8:30 am and during afternoon recess time. If there are any remaining goodies, we will be open for business outside at dismissal time!

Please stop by to buy and support our love for animals! Please also send in a few dollars for your student to buy from our Kindergarten Nature Art and Bake sale too. Thank you, thank you!!

A few of our coloring book pages

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