Saturday, May 9, 2015

Ling and Ting Collaborative Mural in Art Class

The kindergarten, 1st grade and 2nd grade classes have all been learning about the wonderful world of Ling and Ting in the series of books by author and illustrator Grace Lin. In preparation for her visit, these classes worked collaboratively to create a charming paper mural of a scene from Ling and Ting's birthday party.

After viewing images from Ling & Ting Share A Birthday, the kindergarteners noticed that Lin uses lots of patterns, particularly swirls, in her artwork. The kindergarten artists were excited to add to a collaborative mural by painting patterns on paper, which form the border.

The 1st and 2nd grade classes were delighted to compare how Ling and Ting are similar but not exactly the same! In some of the stories, they learned how Ling and Ting share things like birthday shoes, presents and cakes.

The 1st graders chose to work with either triangles or rectangles and brainstormed what things you could find at a birthday party that are those shapes. Our ideas included pizza slices, party hats, red Chinese money bags, presents and cards. They then painted two shapes, making them not exactly the same for Ling and for Ting.

  The 2nd graders worked in teams to create paper collaged items for Ling and Ting. They noticed that Ling and Ting have different personalities and made their creations different for each character. Ling tends to follow the directions and be very neat while Ting is a little sillier. Stop by to enjoy our mural and see if you can tell how Ling and Ting are not exactly the same.

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