Friday, May 31, 2019

El Horóscopo Chino en tercer grado / Chinese Horoscope in Third Grade

In connection with third grade’s Ancient China Study, in Spanish class the students have been learning the vocabulary for the animals and their presumed attributes that are represented in the Chinese Zodiac. El Horóscopo Chino consists of twelve signs and is determined by the Chinese Lunar Year. There are twelve animals, one for each year of the lunar cycle.

1. la rata: the rat
            ambicioso, trabajador y creativo
            ambitious, hard working and creative
2. el buey: the ox
            responsable, paciente y leal
            responsible, patient and loyal
3. el tigre: the tiger
            valiente, simpático y sospechoso
            brave, nice and suspicious
4. el conejo: the rabbit
            compasivo, creativo y amigable
            compassionate, creative and friendly
5. el dragón: the dragon
            brillante, honesto y entusiasmado
            brilliant, honest and enthusiastic
6. la serpiente: the snake
            sabio, callado y respetado
            wise, quiet and respected
7. el caballo: the horse
            alegre, hablador e independiente
            cheerful, talkative and independent
8. la cabra: the sheep
            amable, creativo y apasionado
            loving, creative and passionate
9. el mono: the monkey
            inteligente, chistoso y genial
            intelligent, humorous and genius
10. el gallo: the rooster
            agresivo, ambicioso y orgulloso
            aggressive, ambitious and proud
11. el perro: the dog
            honesto, leal y sincero
            honest, loyal and sincere
12. el cerdo: the pig
            cariñoso, simpático y trabajador
            affectionate, kind and hard working

The third graders have had much fun putting their new knowledge to practice. Many entertaining and engaging games have been provided for the students to practice their listening and reading comprehension. For example, el juego de los matamoscas (the Swatter Game) was first played using the photo of the animals, then with their printed name, and then with the written personality traits that the students needed to read in order to swat the correct one called out. 

In addition, the students played a couple of rounds of their favorite, Pulgar Arriba (Thumbs-Up) by using flashcards with the animal photo and then with the written word. 

Charadas (Charades) was also another entertaining game played to enhance learning...

...and crossword puzzles.

Lastly, the students played a few rounds of another favorite, Bingo, created just for this study.  The three characteristic traits of an animal were called out and reference sheets were used so that the students could read and connect them with its corresponding animal logo on their board. In later games, the students were encouraged to play solely from memory. What a fun challenge!!

The culminating activity for the study was inviting the third graders to invent their own zodiac sign. The question was posed, “ If you could create your own signo de horóscopo, what would it look like and what would it be called?” Using Model Magic, the students crafted their ideas…

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