Sunday, November 12, 2017

Fourth Grade Discovers Lonely Prime Numbers

As part of our study of multiplication and division, the students have been busy learning about factors and ways to figure out factors of small and large numbers. They have been using factor rainbows and their knowledge of multiplication and division math facts. They have learned how to use factor rainbows as one method of ensuring that they do not missed any numbers between 1 and the number of which they are trying to determine the factors. As part of their study about factors, they have discovered prime and composite numbers. The students worked with partners to find all the prime numbers between one and fifty. They worked off of a large chart and systematically sorted out their primes.
We played a great card game where the students made equations with the cards they were dealt. The product, sum, or quotient had to be a prime number. You were given points for every card you used up in your hand to make the equations. The object was to get as many points as you could. We also have been listening to poetry about math and fell in love with this poem by Harry Baker called 59. In fourth grade, we never know where our passion for math will take us.

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