Friday, September 29, 2017

Framing Perspective Through Journaling

Framing Perspective Through Journaling

This year grades K through 4 began their journey in science class by creating their own nature journals. To make them, all of the students used brown paper bags, white copy paper, colored card stock, pipe cleaners, glue, and what quickly became known as "The Mighty Mighty Hole Punch."

Students from each grade group put their  fine motor skills to the test while barreling through the challenge of not only overcoming how to properly use the hole punch but also figuring out why their holes didn't line up. The challenge was met with many verbal cues of struggle such as "Ouch, I can't do this! Can you do this for me? Help! and finally, I give up". Many hugs and words of encouragement were provided all the way through to the completion of what has become our students' most respected tool for reflection in nature, their nature journals. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Thus far, our students have used their nature journals to reflect upon memorable moments they spent interacting with nature over the summer. During science class, our students also took a nature walk through part of the AFS arboretum on the first day of fall and journaled about the current view of the environment. They will take a series of nature walks through our campus in the future and reflect upon how the environment changes as the seasons change.

To our young scientists I would like to say, "Be proud of your bravery through the struggle. For you have gained the skill of using two new tools, "The Mighty Mighty Hole Punch" and your beautiful nature journals!

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