Friday, November 13, 2015

Math in Focus and Parent Resources

As you know, we have begun using the Math in Focus curriculum this year.  I am glad to say that the transition has gone smoothly and been a really positive one!  One of the reasons we moved to Math in Focus was the strong focus on building a solid foundation of number sense across the grades.
Here is what this has looked like so far:

In kindergarten, we began the year by studying numbers up to ten.  Students strengthened their one-to-one correspondence and worked on finding one more and one less than a given number.  We have played a number of games that have involved the concepts of more and less and have provided the students with addition practice.  I will be sending home packets of these games soon.

In first grade, we spent time identifying and comparing numbers up to 100 and learning to break numbers into parts.  They used number bonds to identify the whole amount and the parts and began experimenting with different ways that a given number could be broken into parts.  Students also became comfortable comparing numbers using the terms greater than and less than and more and fewer.

In second grade, we began by practicing place value concepts into the hundreds and learned different ways of representing numbers, such as standard form, expanded form and word form.  Students then moved into addition of three digit numbers and are learning about regrouping (also known as carrying) when adding.

In third grade, we have been working with numbers up to 10,000 and have been busy practicing strategies for adding and subtracting big numbers mentally. We are also focused on mastering our math facts.

In fourth grade, we began by adding, subtracting, comparing, ordering and finding patterns with numbers up to 100,000.  We then moved into multiplication and students have been using their understanding of multiplication and division to learn to find the factors and multiples of given numbers and to differentiate between prime and composite numbers.

A great way to learn more about the sequence of math concepts at your child's grade level is to check out the 'Parent Resources' section of the Lower School Math website.  I have included videos for each grade, broken up by chapter, to help you get a sense of what your child is learning in math.  These videos can also be helpful if your child has a question about his or her math homework and you need background information on how the concepts have been explained in school.

To go directly to the Parent Resources section of the website, click here.  Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the 'Videos' section.

You may also want to remind your child about all of the math games and activities available to them on the site.  Now that they are in a new grade, they are likely ready to try out some of the new games available to them.   You can go directly to the AFS Lower School Math website by clicking here.

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