Third Graders Share their Passions through Writing
graders have been working on their first major writing project of the year,
the “I Love” project. Writing can be challenging, so
it was great to see how excited students were to write about something that they
love. Prior to beginning this project, students began the year by completing a “heart
map,” on which they wrote a number of things that they love and could
potentially write about in the future. They will keep these in their
writing folders so that if they are ever looking for something to write about,
they can refer back to it.
completing their heart maps, each student chose one topic to write
about. To help them brainstorm ideas about this topic, they began by
answering questions about what they love about this thing or activity and their
favorite related memories. They also worked on a “Prove It” sheet
where they had to come up with five different ways they could prove that they
loved their object more than most people.
After students had some time to write, we did an
activity called Concentric Circles where students spoke with a number of
different partners, each for about 30 seconds, and shared one thing that was
special about the object or activity they chose. With each new
partner, they had to share something different, which helped students
brainstorm additional details to include in their writing. Writing about something
that the third graders are experts about and truly love made the writing
process both accessible and exciting for the students, and we look forward to
sharing the students writing with their families on conference day.
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