We made a compass rose to get a clear sense of directions and learned a little ditty to help us keep them in order, Never Eat Soggy Waffles!! North, East, South and West! Next we made maps that show the migration routes that monarchs take each year.
As our interest in maps grew stronger we decided to venture to a whole new level – create a 3-D map! We had so much fun creating the map of the town that we named, ‘USA!’ We could even drive places on our map! Each student had a chance to test their directional skills getting from one place to another on the map and telling the class what directions they were going. After the excitement of exploring our map, it was suggested that we make signs for all the locations so that we wouldn’t forget what they were!! Brilliant!!
Our next step was to take a printed copy of our map and add a map key. We’re still working on this step!
The morning after we put up our signs, Andrea happened by and we challenged her to drive from the library to the airport, sharing all the directions that she travelled of course! And guess what? She made it! Even going across our big bridge! Congratulations, Andrea!!
Stop by and see our wonderful map. Maybe take a test drive to see how your directional skills are these days! Happy trails!
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