Friday, November 12, 2021

Snapshots of Lower School

Creation of butterfly costumes

Engaging in art work

A fall scavenger hunt!

Careful monarch illustration and labeling

How we handle wet sneakers after recess

Creating self-portraits in español

Good morning!

The start of a new day

Resource teachers leading the way

Jumping ship!

Outdoor fun

An excellent spot to do a bit of cooking

Pumpkin book characters

Reading a good book

Characters that come from our favorite stories - there are many ways to respond to reading.

Equity, Justice and Engagement Open House - representing our beautiful selves

Equity, Justice and Engagement Open House

So many amazing books to share

Equity, Justice and Engagement Open House

Learning a new dance

A magical hallway

Some poetry work

Math problem solving

Choosing just the right book

We all like this book!

Magnatile magic and math

Hearing a story

Creating lions

Small group work - a history lesson

Work in español

Some new books for the classroom

Reading is interactive

Welcome University of Pennsylvania Lion Dancers!

Third Grade's lion head

Meeting a lion up close!

We are fascinated - the different beat patterns are tricky!

Investigating how the head is made.

Trying a few moves ourselves.

Fourth Grade

Third Grade