September 21, 2018
Dear Parents:
On behalf of the Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Watershed
Partnership (TTF), thank you for sharing your children with us this past week.
We were delighted that they were able to participate in our fall Bioblitz. A bioblitz
is an opportunity to observe as many species as possible in a given area over a
set amount of time. The information gathered is extremely helpful to
understanding our watershed and its species. This data provides insight into
the health of our watershed, and alerted us to any concerns or issues.
Students photographed bugs, plants and other wildlife, and
uploaded them to iNaturalist. They learned about identifying species, and were
introduced to some of the species common to our watershed.
Our job is to work with you and your children, schools,
communities, businesses, civic and religious institutions to improve the creeks
around us. Through education, stewardship, restoration, and advocacy, we work
side by side with partners like you to connect people to our waterways.
We know clean water is important to you!
We invite you to contact us to learn more about how you and
your family can volunteer with us to plant trees…mark storm drains in your
neighborhood…join us on a watershed tour…monitor the health of the creek down
the street from your house!
We look forward to hearing from you. Visit
to learn more and sign up for our newsletter. Please feel free to call us at 215-744-1853.
Thank you for the opportunity to work with your future
environmental leader!
Julie Slavet, Executive Director
Ryan Neuman, Upstream
Conservation Leader